Voice macro buttons not working planetside 2
Voice macro buttons not working planetside 2

voice macro buttons not working planetside 2

Meaning you were going to be missing shit. You only had a certain amount of certs (say 30) and you needed like 150 to get everything in the game. Maybe only after they increased the level cap, getting to max BR was very long too. Hell, does anyone remember just how freaking slow the VS AV MAX's rounds were? Even the slowest tanks could evade those from 100 feet out with ease. The NC MAX's shotgun would easily dominate a tower battle it didn't have to come up against a TR AV MAX in. The lockdown meant the AA MAX could actually kill air in a quick alphastrike. The TR AV MAX could singlehandedly clear any stairwell or corner with OP bouncing rounds. The TR and NC unique heavy weapons were better. I guess the lancer was good, but it was one of the only aimable handheld weapons that aim mattered. Sure, you could get MAXs to the top of a tower without an air transport, but that was a convenience more than anything, and they were gonna lose to the TR and NC MAXes anyways in such close quaters. Jumpjets? Only good for putting AA on treetops (AA that as long as your afterburned away could never kill you). Lasher? Nerfed to the point it was worthless. The only VS advantage that mattered remotely was the lev on magrider and thrasher. That was one of the biggest factors that led to a destruction of the team-based action shooter core gameplay Planetside 1 had been built around. Just to add the reason players became self-sufficient in Planetside 1 was down to the developers caving into pressure from the minority of the community who wanted more certification points in Planetside 1. Not those wanting to invest hours into an MMO and achieve goals as a collective of players reliant on each other.

voice macro buttons not working planetside 2

The twitch FPS shooter players who play for their own goals in short burst of playtime. This has created the problem that Planetside 2 appeals primarily to the wrong audience. The problem is Planetside 2 faces huge competition in the FPS space that it wouldn't face as an action shooter. There are more FPS gamers in the world then those who enjoy action shooters. Whereas if Planetside 2 was more like Planetside 1 and driven by deep game mechanics + a focus on abilities to make a more action MMO-type game it might of been more successful. As seen with the redesign of bases and rebalancing of the game to favour FPS combat. The majority of players have pushed for the developers to make a more and more perfect FPS game. If the game had been less dependant on your skill as a FPS player it probably would of had a wider audience. In a strange sort of way I believe one of the biggest problems with Planetside 2 is how excellent the FPS combat is. I never thought Planetside 1 was behind modern day FPS games as I always considered Planetside 1 a team-based action shooter. PS was great, groundbreaking and totally hooked me for many years, but as time progressed the game was far, far behind modern FPS games. But in any case, it would be a nice bit of detail.

#Voice macro buttons not working planetside 2 ps2

I would love to see that put into PS2 because it seems easy(ish) to implement driving through busy areas would become a lot easier and (maybe) more TK-free, and tankers wouldn't have to tap W to drive slowly while watching out for mines. Last, but not least, I was particularly interested in how vehicle speed could be adjusted by the number keys. I know that that point has been driven into the core of the Earth by now, but I felt it worth mentioning again for my sake. The latter is definitely fun, and is my most favorite game at this time, but it needs so much more of what PS1 did right to have a lasting presence for its players. The extensive voice macro system, the faction backgrounds, the inventory system, and the functionalities of the bases themselves all lend to a level of believability and detail that PS2 is sorely lacking. That just screams permanence in an ever changing battlefield.īut most of all I was absorbed by the way the game made you feel like you were part of the world itself. The variety of music was an incredible contrast to the 2-3 tracks per faction that we often hear in PS2, and I absolutely adored the Sanctuaries for each faction. Almost immediately I fell in love with the inventory system and how equipment was swapped around.

Voice macro buttons not working planetside 2